Saturday 12 October 2024

Some Gurus say It is very simple; realize right here and right now, nothing is required - such statements are playing with words.+


Some Gurus say, “It is very simple; realize right here and right now, nothing is required.” Such statements are merely playing with words. Playing with seekers' sentiments is not Advaitic wisdom.

You are not a wise seeker without knowing what the ‘Self’ is in actuality holding the ‘Self’ as the ‘I’. You are simply an intellectual with accumulated dualistic knowledge.

It is impossible to realize the truth hidden by ignorance without realizing what the Self is in actuality and what ‘I’ is in actuality.

By remembering ‘I AM ‘the ignorance will not vanish because the ‘I AM itself is ignorance.

Remember: ~

The Self is not you. You are not eternal because you are bound by the experience of birth, life, death, and the world.

The Soul, the Self is eternal. The Soul is birthless and deathless because it is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

It is foolish to say I AM THIS or I AM THAT’ because the ‘Self ‘is not ‘I’. The ‘Self is the Soul, which witnesses the ‘I’.

That is why Ashtavakra Gita 16:10:~ If you desire liberation, but you still say ‘I’," If you feel the ‘Self’ is the ‘I’, You are not a wise man or a seeker. You are simply a man who suffers.

Even after knowing the ‘Self’ is not ‘I’ people are stuck to ‘I-centric teaching and Gurus. Those who are stuck with ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ will never be able to get rid of their ignorance.

Advaitic truth is very simple, but it is very difficult to realize because you have accumulated mental garbage from different sources in the name of Advaita.

Until you discard all the accumulated knowledge you will never be able to realize the Advaitic truth, which is beyond the form, time, and space.

The Advaita is the nature of the Soul, the Self shines on its own awareness when wisdom dawns.

The Advaita is the Soul is the cause and the support of all that exists in the world in which we exist. Advaita is the nature of the God, the Self.

The Advaita is present in the form of consciousness. Advaita is the root element of the universe.

From the Advaita, the universe comes into existence. In the Advaita, the universe resides. And into the Advaita, the universe is dissolved. The Advaita is the parent of all that is there.

Sage Sankara says: ~ “What is accepted without proper inquiry will not lead to the final Goal. (Commentary on Vedanta Sutra)

Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification.

Sage Sankara is the only Sage who has final authority on the Advaitic truth (non-duality). The Advaitic truth is rational truth and scientific truth without dogma.

Sage Sankara’s wisdom is not a teaching or philosophy but Advaita is the universal wisdom. Advaitic wisdom is neither a teaching nor a theory but it is merely guidance to those who are seriously seeking the ultimate truth or Brahman. Grasp the ultimate truth anytime, at any age, if the seeker has the spiritual maturity and capacity to grasp to grasp it.

Sage Sankara says: ~ VC-47 All the effects of ignorance, root, and branch, are burnt down by the fire of knowledge, which arises from discrimination between these two—the Self and the not-Self.

It really depends on his inborn natural capacity to understand and assimilate it. Sage Sankara’s wisdom is a Self-examiner, to test oneself to discover how near to Gnana he has approached what progress has already been made on the path, and what still remains to be done. It sets up criteria for self-judgment. There are millions in search of truth but one in a million will be able to grasp it.

Without Sage Sankara, there is no Advaita (nonduality). Since it was mixed up with orthodoxy there is lots of confusion.

All the Gurus who propagate Advaita of East and West air their knowledge base Advaita on the dualistic perspective and orthodox perspective.

I am highlighting all the obstacles, which is blocking one from realizing the ultimate truth or Brahman.

There are so many non-dualistic masters of the East and also from the West who expound Advaitic or non-dualistic knowledge but none of them are helpful to reach the ultimate end.

The seeker has to know and realize the Self is the Soul and identify it as his true identity to find liberation from the bondage of the illusion of birth, life, death, and the world (duality).

The goal of our life is to find and realize our identity with our Soul, which is the real Self.

Sage Sankara said:~ Neither by the practice of yoga nor philosophy, nor by good works nor by learning, does liberation come, but only through the realization that Atman and Brahman are one in no other way. (1) Vivekachoodamani v 56, pg. 25

To come to a more precise understanding of what non-duality is or might mean, we must return to the original linguistic and philosophic backgrounds from which the word has been translated into English.

If we limit a probe of the meaning of non-duality to Hindu Sanskrit literature, we find that the most frequently used term is “Advaita.

Advaita” is not a religious concept. Advaita is the nature of the existence hidden by form, time, and space.

The seeker has to attempt to rule out from the start a false understanding of reality by a perfect understanding of ‘what is what’.

The Advaita is hidden by the dvaita. Advaita is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Dvaita is the universe.

Advaita is basically a denial; it is literally the negation of the dvaita. That means whatever remains by negating the universe by realizing the universe is created out of single clay and that clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, the hidden truth by dvaita uncovered. Consciousness is the cause of the universe and it, itself is uncaused.

Thus, the path of wisdom is the only means. Then it is no use going a roundabout way, trace the Brahman which is the formless substance and the witness of the universe (mind). By tracing the source of the mind or the universe one will be able to realize the Brahman. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

All names and forms, time and space are real when seen with the Brahman but are false when seen independent of Brahman (Soul).+

Yoga Vasistha: ~ “Even as particles of sand floating in water settle down when the water is absolutely steady, the mind of the man who has gained the knowledge of truth settles down in total peace.

Yoga Vasistha: ~ “The sun and the worlds become non-objects of perception, to those who have gone beyond the realm of objective perception and knowledge, even as lamps lose their luminosity while the mid-day sun shines.

From the standpoint of the formless Soul the Self, the effect is non-different from the cause. However, in the realm of duality cause is different from the effect. The non-difference of the effect from the cause has to be grasped perfectly to realize from the ultimate standpoint there is neither the cause nor the effect because the cause and effect are one, in essence. That essence is consciousness.

Sage Sankara says: - If the cause is destroyed, the effect will no longer exist. For example, if from the effect, cotton cloth, the cause, threads, are removed, there will be no cloth, i.e., the cloth is destroyed. Similarly if in the effect, thread, the cause, cotton, is removed, there will be no thread, i.e., the thread is destroyed. (Brahmasutra Bhashya, commentary on the Brahma-sutra, (9) 2.1.9)
Despite the non-difference of cause and effect, the effect has its ‘Self’ in the cause but not the cause in the effect. The effect is of the nature of the cause, not cause the nature of the effect. Therefore, the qualities of the effect cannot touch the cause because the cause and effect are present only when the duality is present.
The duality is present only when there is an illusion. The illusion is there only when there is ignorance. When there is no ignorance then there is no illusion.
When there is no illusion then there is no duality. When there is no duality then there is no cause and effect. When there is no cause and effect then there is the nondual reality.
Sage Sankara says:~ During the time of its existence, one can easily grasp that the effect is not different from the cause. However that the cause is different from the effect is not readily understood. As to this, it is not really possible to separate cause from effect. But this is possible by imagining so. For example, the reflection of the gold ornament seen in the mirror is only the form of the ornament but is not the ornament itself as it (the reflection) has no gold in it at all.
All names and forms, time and space are real when seen with the Brahman but are false when seen independent of Brahman (Soul). This way the seeker of truth establishes the non-difference of the effect from the cause.
In the context of Advaita Vedanta: ~ Jagat (the world) is not different from Brahman (Soul); however, Brahman (Soul) is different from Jagat.
It has not been possible to preach Advaitic Truth entirely free from the settings of dualistic weakness it has not been more operative and useful to mankind at large because only few will be able to grasp and realize it.
'To realize the Advaitic Truth a freer and fuller scope the seeker has to realize the form, time and space are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness. And the Soul the ‘Self’ is present in the form of consciousness.
To realize the Advaitic truth the seeker has to be free from all superstitions and orthodox contamination. The seeker has to be dedicated to acquiring Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana alone.
A Gnani will easily appreciate the high flights of Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom is one of the 'most majestic structures and valuable products of the Genius of man in his search for Truth. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Those Gurus who propagate Karma as the means to Self-realization belongs to religion and yoga, not spirituality or Adyathma.+

 Q:~ T. L. B: - This is how my understanding sees Karma.

Karma is whatever it is. Yes, it is the play of duality forces, such as birth, living in the world universe, and death of the body-mind that is identity. "I," thought.

So even Gnani after true ‘Self ’-realization must be a player of these duality forces.

Look at all the Sages, including Ramana, Krishnamurti, and Nisargadatta, all died of cancer-type illness if I am not mistaken. So this to me is evidence that forces of karma will play out even for Enlightened Gnani.

So yes Karma is an illusion at Soul, witness, but to take part on Earth as a human being means living with "what is" or karma effects of part on Earth as a human being, means living with "what is" or karma effects of past.

A::~ Santthosh Kumaar:~ As per my conviction: ~

Those Gurus who propagate Karma as the means to Self-realization belong to religion and yoga, not Spirituality.

When the ‘Self’ is not form but formless, then whose karma? If the one who is born lives and dies is not the ‘Self,’ then the question of karma does not arise.

You are the false ‘Self’ (ego) within the false experience (waking). Thus, whatever action and inaction, past, present, and future belong to the waking experience, which is the dualistic illusion.

What happens to the dream entity that did good karma in the dream world and died and reincarnated in the next life and suffered but when the waking takes place the dream becomes unreal.

The waking becomes unreal when the waking entity (you) realizes the fact that it, itself (you) is not the ‘Self’ but the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which witnesses the coming and going of the three states in succession.

Thus neither the karma of the waking entity nor the karma of the dream entity has any meaning because the ‘Self’ is neither the waking entity nor the ‘Self’ is a dream entity but the ‘Self’ is the Soul.

You are not the ‘Self’ because you are the birth entity; you are bound by form, time, and space whereas the ‘Self’ is birthless and deathless because the ‘Self’ is formless, timeless, and spaceless existence then how the karma theory has any meaning when the karma theory based on the false ‘Self’ (birth entity) and false experience (world).

The karma theory is a religious fable meant for people who are fully immersed in the practical life and practical world believing the experience of the birth, life, death, and the world as reality.

If the ‘Self’ is birthless then what values the karma theory will have because it is based on birth, life, death, and rebirth. Thus, as per my conviction, the Karma theory is a merely religious and yogic fable.

Yes, Ramana, J. Krishnamurti, and Nisargadatta, all died of cancer-type illness. It does not make any difference if they die of cancer or not of cancer or any illness. Even Lord Krishna died of a painful death. The death is certain, the cause of death is irreverent to a Gnani. When the ‘Self’ is birthless then it is deathless. A Gnani is unconcerned to death because he is fully aware that the illusion is only a passing show.

The last words of Sage Ramana on the deathbed: - he says I am not going anywhere. He did not mean that his physical form, which was bound by birth, life, and death but the birthless ‘Self’, which is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

Thus, the karma theory has nothing to do with the birthless ‘Self’. Thus people’s painful death cannot be taken as evidence because, the Soul, the ‘Self’ is ever deathless because, it is birthless because it is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The karmic account is never-ending because one has to be born again and again to reap his good or bad karma carried forward from one life to the next. To end his karmic account he has to be born as a Muslim in his next birth because Islam does not believe in karma theory.

As per Sage Sankara: ~

The path of religion, the theory of karma, the path of yoga, and the path of wisdom were intended for different classes of people. The Advaitic wisdom is for the advanced seekers of truth. It deals with the nature of the ultimate Truth and Reality. It is meant for superior aspirants who have an inner urge to know the truth and it is not for those who are immersed in earthly desires.

The one who is born lives and dies in this world is not the Self. the world in which we exist is the dualistic illusion created out of the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness. Thus, whatever karmas perfumed within the dualistic illusion is bound to be an illusion.

Sage Sankara says in Aparoksh Anubhuti: ~88. When the whole universe, movable and immovable, is known to be Atman, and thus the existence of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the body is Atman?

89. O enlightened one, pass your time always contemplating on Atman while you are experiencing all the results of Prarabdha; for it will cause you to feel distressed.

90. The theory one hears from the scripture, that Prarabdha does not lose its hold upon one even after the origination of the knowledge of Atman, is now being refuted.

91. After the origination of the knowledge of Reality, Prarabdha verily ceases to exist, inasmuch as the body and the like become non-existent; just as a dream does not exist in waking.

92. That Karma which is done in a previous life is known as Prarabdha (which produces the present life). But such Karma cannot take the place of Prarabdha (for a man of knowledge), as he has no other birth (being free from ego).

93. Just as the body in a dream is superimposed (and therefore illusory), so is also this body. How could there be any birth of the superimposed (body), and in the absence of birth (of the body) where is the room for that (i.e., Prarabdha) at all?

94. The Vedanta texts declare ignorance to be verily the material (cause) of the phenomenal world just as the earth is of a jar. That (ignorance) being destroyed, where can the universe subsist?

95. Just as a person out of confusion perceives only the snake leaving aside the rope, so does an ignorant person see only the phenomenal world without knowing the reality?

96. The real nature of the rope being known, the appearance of the snake no longer persists; so the substratum being known, the phenomenal world disappears completely.

97. The body also being within the phenomenal world (and therefore unreal), how could Prarabdha exist? It is, therefore, for the understanding of the ignorant alone that the Shruti speaks of Prarabdha.

98. “And all the actions of a man perish when he realizes that (Atman) which is both the higher and the lower”. Here the clear use of the plural by the Shruti is to negate Prarabdha as well.

99. If the ignorant still arbitrarily maintain this, they will not only involve themselves in two absurdities but will also run the risk of forgoing the Vedantic conclusion. So one should accept those Shrutis alone from which proceeds true knowledge.

Thus, the karma theory is based on the birth entity and it is the reality only for those people who believe the individual experience of birth, life, death, and the world as a reality. Sage Sri, Sankara says the world is an illusion.

If the world is an illusion then the individual experience of birth, life, and death which takes place within the illusory world is bound to be an illusion.

If the world is an illusion all the karmas performed within the illusory world are bound to be an illusion.

Sage Goudpada says:~ The merciful Veda teaches karma and Upasana to people of lower and middling intellect, while Jnana is taught to those of higher intellect.

Sage Sankara: ~ “Action (karma) cannot destroy ignorance, for it is not in conflict with or opposed to ignorance. Knowledge does verily destroy ignorance as light destroys deep darkness. -Atma Bodha.

The main purpose of Self-realization is to get rid of ignorance. If karma does not destroy ignorance then what is the use of sticking to the karma theory? Only people of lower and middling intellect stick to karma and Upasana and those of higher intellect choose the path of wisdom or the Atmic path. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Friday 11 October 2024

Get rid of the ignorance instead of purifying yourself.+

Avadhuta Gita:-“The Atman cannot be purified through the practice of the six limbs of the yoga, or through the annihilation of the mind, or through the instruction of a teacher. The Atman is the reality itself and it is purity itself."

The ‘I’ itself is impure because ‘I’ is ignorance. Get rid of ignorance instead of purifying yourself.

All the religious conditioning or samskaras belong to you. The Self is not you but the Soul. It is a foolish venture to drop your religious conditioning or samskaras to purify yourself. Instead, realize the ‘Self is not you but the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

The ‘I’ itself is inborn conditioning or samskara. Inborn conditioning is present in the form of ‘I’.

The inborn conditioning is the cause of the ignorance. Ignorance is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality. The ‘I’ is present in the form of the mind.

The mind is present in the form of the universe. The universe appears as waking or dream (duality) and disappears as deep sleep (nonduality).

Thus, it is necessary to get rid of the inborn conditioning to get rid of ignorance. Thus, only through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is possible to get rid of ignorance.

You and the world in which you exist are the product of ignorance. When ignorance vanishes then you and your experience of the world never again prevail as reality because the world in which you exist is merely a dualistic illusion created out of the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

By realizing the Self is not you but the Soul, ignorance vanishes then all the religious conditioning or samskaras fade on their own.

Purity is the nature of the Soul. If you realize the Soul then there is clarity of the truth, which is beyond the form, time, and space.

The Soul is always pure because, in reality, there is no second thing that exists other than the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

The ‘I’, illusion is impurity. Ignorance is the cause of the illusion. When ignorance vanishes purity alone shines as the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

Advaita is the nature of the Soul, the Self. ADVAITA is the symbol of purity because there is no second thing that exists to make it impure. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Jung says that Ramana's desire to escape the ego is Self-contradictory, because, without the Maharishi’s personal ego, there would be no Shri Ramana at all.+

Jung says that Ramana's desire to escape the ego is Self-contradictory, because, without the Maharishi’s personal ego, there would be no Shri Ramana at all.

Most of the Indian teaching is so overwhelmingly great that it means little whether the author is called Ramakrishna or Vivekananda or Shri Aurobindo, etc. Jung seems to be saying "If you have seen one Indian holy man, you have seen them all."

Jung says that the Indian lacks the epistemological standpoint; he is still pre-Kantian, with no psychology: To the Indian, it is clear that the Self as the originating ground of the psyche is not different from God, and that, so far as a man is in the Self, he is not only contained in God but actually is God.


Santthosh Kumaar:~ “Many Gurus in the past believed the Self is within the body and they imagine and write their own theories on it and propagated.

The Self is not within the physical body, but the world in which the body (you) exists is within the Soul. The body-based theories have nothing to do with the Atmic path.

The Soul, the Self is bodiless because it is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The Soul which is present in the form of consciousness pervades everything and everywhere in all the three states. Thus, everything is consciousness. There is no second thing that exists other than consciousness.

The one who says he is already enlightened is ignorant. The person who says I am enlightened is unaware of the fact that the Self is not he, because he and his experience of the world, is the product of ignorance. Only the ignorant say he is already enlightened. Without the Advaitic wisdom, the ignorance will not vanish.

The one which says ‘I am enlightened’ itself is the ego. The one who feels it is he or she is also the ego. The ego is the false Self (you or waking entity) within the false experience (waking).

The ego, body, and the world appear together and disappear together. It is foolish to venture to try to destroy the ego because the ego is the very basis of physical existence (universe).

People say I AM THAT ~ I am God, I am Brahman. But when Brahman is, how can "I" remain? Only Brahman remains, not I, it is erroneous to use the word ‘I’ for the Self because ‘I’ represents form, time, and space whereas the Soul, the Self is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

It is erroneous to identify the Soul, the Self as the 'I' or 'I AM' because the Soul the Self is not 'I' or I AM’. The Soul the innermost Self, is that witnesses the coming and going, of the 'I'.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ “The permanent is always there, only the transient ‘I’ comes and goes. (2.18)

The ‘I’ disappears as deep sleep, so what is the use of being attached to it? It is impermanent and illusory because ‘I’ is physical awareness. Physical awareness is not Self-awareness. ‘I-less awareness is Self-awareness.

To understand the false nature of the ‘I’, Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is necessary.

The Self is not ‘I’, but the Self is the Soul which is the witness of the ‘I’. Holding the ‘I as the Self leads to hallucination based on the imagination.

The ego, body, and the world are the product of ignorance. Without the ignorance, the ego, body, and the world cease to exist. Thus getting rid of ignorance is very much necessary. Only through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana, ignorance vanishes.

The people who are venturing to get rid of the ego will never succeed. How the ego can get rid of itself. The ego is the waking entity (You). The ego, body, and the world appear together and disappear together.

human psychology is based on the false self (ego or waking entity or you) within the false experience (waking or illusion). Whatever is based on the false Self and false experience is bound to be a falsehood.

Thus, a perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ is needed to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

Thus, one must realize how this world, which confronts him, is an illusion? And from what standpoint the world is an illusion.

Without knowing ‘what is mind? ‘What is the substance of the mind?’ ‘What is the source of the mind? The truth will not revealed.

Thinking the mind is within the physical body is the greatest obstacle in the pursuit of truth. Thus deeper investigation is very much necessary to unfold the mystery of the mind.

Nothing is needed for acquiring Self-knowledge of Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana other than perfect understanding, assimilation, and realization of ‘what is what”

The dualistic illusion is present only when form, time and space are present. The form, time, and space are one, in essence. The ego, body, and the world are one, in essence.

The birth, life, death, and the world are one, in essence. The three states are one, in essence. That essence is consciousness. The thinker & thought and the world are one, in essence. Thus, there is no division in consciousness in reality.

The Soul, the Self is the fullness of consciousness without the illusory division of For, time, and space.

Dissolution of the ego alone is not the step to the realization of truth hidden by ignorance. The ego, body, and the world appear together and they disappear together.

The ego, body, and the world appear together as ‘I’. Without ‘I’ there is no ego, no body, and no world. ‘I’ is not limited to the physical entity but ‘I’ is the mind.

The mind is present in the form of the universe. The universe appears as waking or dream (duality (I)) and disappears as deep sleep (non-duality (I-LESS)).

The one that appears as waking or dream (duality) and disappears as deep sleep(nonduality) is the Soul which is in the form of consciousness.

The Soul is the Self. The Soul is the witness of the three states (witnessed). The witness and the witnessed (three states) are one in essence. That essence is consciousness.

Thus, there is no second thing that exists other than consciousness. Consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

Only getting rid of ignorance through wisdom is the only way, which leads to Advaitic Self-Awareness in the midst of duality.

Till you think you are an individual separate from the world and the world existed prior to you and you are born in it afterward ignorance will prevail as a reality. Till ignorance is there the ‘I’ prevails as reality.

If the ‘I’ prevails as reality then the world in which you exist prevails as a reality. If the world in which you exist is a reality then the dualistic illusion is experienced as a reality.

A perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ helps you to overcome ignorance (I). Until ‘I’ is there the ignorance is there. Until ignorance is there you will not be able to unfold the mystery hidden by the ‘I’. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

The world is not projected by you because you are within the illusory projection.+

The world is not projected by you because you are within the illusory projection. Until you hold the ‘Self’ as you, you are in the grip of ignorance. realize the ‘Self’ is not you but the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Sage Sankara: ~ VC In the dream state, even though there is no contact with the outside world, the Soul alone projects the entire dream universe of enjoyer, enjoyment, etc. Similarly, the waking state is no different. All this world of pluralistic phenomena is an illusory projection.

For the Soul, the Self: ~

What are projection and retraction, what are the end and means; what are the failure and success to the formless Soul, which is formless, timeless, and spaceless in its nature.

The illusory world appears and merges back into its essence is not an appearance at all.

What is the knower, the means of knowledge, the object of knowledge; what is anything or nothing to the Soul which is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless.

Knower, knowledge, object, thing, nothing or any word one may utter is after all they are the words and words have meaning only within the illusion.

Consciousness is ever present in all three states but as a person, one is unconscious of consciousness because he thinks the Self is his body.

When all-knowing, known, and knower, are simultaneously mental as in the dream what else is there to trouble about understanding them? Because one considers the waking experience, as a reality one is incapable of understanding and assimilating the Advaitic truth.

What is the distraction? What is concentration, dullness ad delusion, happiness, and sorrow to the Soul, which is ever actionless because it is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless?

As a person, one may be drawn to observe his body and the world, but the Gnani is not disturbed because he has realized his body and his experience of the world are made of consciousness.

The physical attributes have nothing to do with the Soul, the innermost Self wrongly; all the attributes belong to the ego, not the Soul. Identifying the physical attribute to the Soul is the cause of ignorance. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

First, make sure what is this ‘I’ supposed to be in actuality.+

First, know what is this ‘I’ supposed to be in actuality:~

The ‘I’ is present in the form of the mind. The mind is present in the form of the universe.

The universe is present in the form of form, time, and space.

Without the form, time, and space, there is no duality.

The duality is not a reality from the standpoint of the Soul, the Self.

The mind is present in the form of form, time, and space. Thus, whatever belongs to form, time and space is a falsehood.

The universe in which we exist as a reality is a falsehood. Thus, there is a need to know ‘what is what’ to realize the truth beyond form, time, and space.

The ‘I’ disappears as deep sleep, so what is the use of being attached to it? It is impermanent and illusory because ‘I’ is physical awareness. Physical awareness is not Self-awareness. ‘I-less awareness is Self-awareness.

There is really no ‘I’. The ‘I’ is present in the form of mind. And the mind is in the form of the universe. And the universe appears as a waking or dream. The ‘I’ or mind or the universe or waking or dream disappears as deep sleep.

Thus, one that appears as ‘I’ or mind or the universe or waking or dream is consciousness, and it disappears as deep sleep is also consciousness. In deep sleep, it is in its formless nondual true nature. The one, that witnesses the coming and going of the three states, is also consciousness. Thus, the witness and witnessed are one in essence.

Thus, the universe is a reality on the base of individuality and the universe is unreal on the base of the Soul is the Self.

The seeker gradually will grasp and realize the unreal nature of the universe or mind. Individuality is illusory because the Self is not an individual because the Self is ever nondual, and it pervades everything and everywhere in all three states. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Some Gurus say It is very simple; realize right here and right now, nothing is required - such statements are playing with words.+

  Some Gurus say, “It is very simple; realize right here and right now, nothing is required.” Such statements are merely playing with words....