Friday, 17 January 2025

Psychologists have analyzed much as far as subject-object relation i.e. the mind plus object equals consciousness.+

A Man remains as part of the objective world and tries to discover the ultimate truth. A man is unaware of the fact that the world in which he exists is an object to the formless subject. The subject is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

He applies it to things seen as an individual. This is because he is ignorant of the relation between the formless subject (Soul) and the object (mind or universe). He judges everything on the base of the object as the subject and tries to realize the ultimate truth on the base of the objectified subject. Whatever objects are known by the ego, are objects within the object (universe).

Thoughts are also objects because it is part of the objective universe. The thoughts will not rise without the form, which is an object. Whether the objects are there or not, consciousness will always be there, even in deep sleep.

Psychologists say that if the object is not there to draw one's attention, then there is no consciousness. The latter, therefore, insist on consciousness being a relation between one who is aware and an object of which he is aware. It is obvious that we differ in the meaning of the term consciousness.

Ultimate truth means the knowledge of the non-relation, and relation whereas psychology as well as religious or pseudo-Vedanta Consciousness is only witnessing.

Psychologists have analyzed much as far as subject-object relation i.e. the mind plus object equals the consciousness and then stopped. But they have to analyze still further in the direction of noting that all objects are constantly changing, an Illusion, which implies that there is a constant standard of reference, something that notes the changes because it keeps unchanged itself. That something is consciousness.

The idea of change presupposes the existence of something unchanging, how does one distinguish this change from changelessness? By what means does one have to know that change has occurred? There is, there must be a changeless knower of the ever-changing, whilst all changes the consciousness remains unchanged.

Thoughts are arising within the mirage and pass away every moment. Every object is an idea within the dualistic illusion. Hence, every object has no more value than that of thought because both are part of the dualistic illusion or Maya.

The moment is time. The time creates division in consciousness (Soul), which is the ‘Self’. The past, present, and future exist within the myth and so also this and that. Therefore, Self-Realization is necessary to know what truth is and what is untruth. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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Your understanding and your views and judgment are based on the dualistic perspective whereas the ultimate truth is based on the nondualistic perspective.+

Your understanding, views, and judgment are based on the dualistic perspective, and the truth is based on the non-dualistic perspective. So,...