Tuesday, 31 December 2024

If you are seeking truth then you must know the Puranic Gods are not Vedic Gods. Puranic Gods are not God in truth.+

If you are seeking truth then you must know the Puranic Gods are not Vedic Gods. Puranic Gods are not God in truth.

Puranic Gods are a myth based on mythology. Puranic Gods are introduced for the ignorant populace who are incapable of understanding the Vedic God, the God in truth.

Vedas say:~ May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?

In Vedas God has been described as: ~

Yajur Veda – chapter- 32:~God Supreme or Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. He cannot be seen directly by anyone. He pervades all beings and all directions.

Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from Vedas.

Rig Veda: ~ 'Prajnanam Brahma'- Consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman or God in truth.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman (Soul or Spirit) is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the ‘Self’. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

Vedic Gods, hardly have any significance in a present-day Hindu belief system. The Gods and Goddesses important to the Hindus of today are Ram, Krishna, Kali, Ganesh, Hanuman, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and the respective consorts of the last three, namely, Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Shakti. None of these deities figured prominently in the Vedic pantheon and some of them are clearly non-Vedic

The Vedas do not talk about idol worship. In fact, till about 2000 years ago followers of Vedism never worshipped idols. Idol worship was started by the followers of Buddhism and Jains. There is logic to idol worship. Vedas speak of one God that is the supreme ‘Self’ i.e. Atman or Soul but Hinduism indulges in worshiping 60 million Gods.

It indicates clearly all the Gods with form and attributes are mere imaginations based on the false self.

The Vedas as a body of scripture contain many contradictions and they are fragmentary in nature. For Hindus, scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas are more attractive and appealing than the Vedas. And also the Gods and Goddesses they worship differ considerably from the Vedic ones. The collection of hymns called Vedas written in praise of certain deities by poets over several centuries does not seem to have much significance for the Hindus

Yajur Veda says: ~

Translation 1

They enter darkness, those who worship natural things (for example air, water, sun, moon, animals, fire, stone, etc.).

They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti. (Sambhuti means created things, for example, table, chair, idol, etc.) (Yajurveda 40:9)

Translation 2

Deep into the shade of blinding gloom fall asambhuti's worshippers. They sink to darkness deeper yet who on sambhuti are intent." (Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T. H. Griffith pg. 538)

Translation 3.

"They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -- the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, But those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time." (Yajur Veda 40:9.)

So, Yajur Veda indicates that:~

Those who worship visible things, such as the earth, trees, and bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater ignorance.

One must remember that for all periods the Vedas are the final goal and authority, and if the Puranas differ in any respect from the Vedas, the Puranas are to be rejected without mercy.

If you feel the Puranas say something and the Vedas say something else, reject the Puranas and believe in the Vedas. The Puranas are just a myth.

Even in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God in truth) is the form of the Athma, and it is indeed Athma itself’.

Thus, it clearly indicates that God is without the form and attributes and is ever free.

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad:~ "He who worships the deities as entities entirely separate from the Selfdoes not know the truth. For the Gods, he is like a pasu (beast)". (1. 4. 10)

India takes pride in being the descendants of the Sages of Truth who gave the Advaita the ultimate truth. The Advaitic truth is the truth hidden by form, time, and space. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

As per the Vedas people who indulge in worshipping human beings as God fall into an awful hell of pain sorrow, and suffering.+

You and your Guru are part of the illusory universe. Thus, it is no use in worshiping the Guru who is part and parcel of the illusory universe.
The one who worships and the one who worshipped himself as Guru are ignorant therefore they will never get Gnana (wisdom).
Worshiping human beings as God is barred by Vedas. As per Vedas people who indulge in worshipping human beings as God fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time.
Vedas bar human worship: ~
Translation 3
"They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -- the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, But those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time."- (Yajurveda 40:9)
~Then why worship and glorify the Gurus and Yogis (human form) in place of God when Veda bars such activities and also warns people who indulge in such activities are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time. :~Santthosh Kumaar

God based on blind belief, heaven, hell, paradise, sin, karma, rebirth, and reincarnation are a myth propagated by the religion.+

God based on blind belief, heaven, hell, paradise, sin, karma, rebirth, and reincarnation are a myth propagated by the religion.

Rig-Veda 1-164-46 and Y.V 32-1 clearly mention that God is “One”.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman." (10:48, 5)

Rig Veda: ~ 'Prajnanam Brahma'- Consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman or God in truth.

Yajur Veda also says:~ God has no image and His name is Holy. (32.3)”

Yajurveda – chapter- 32:~ God is Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. God cannot be seen directly by anyone. God pervades all beings and all directions.

Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from the Vedas.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God in truth) is the form of the Athma, and it is indeed Athma itself.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ Brahmano hi pratisthaham Brahman (God in truth) is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material (Gita 14.27)

The Upanishads say in effect that: ~ if you believe that the Soul is one and God (Brahman) is another you cannot understand Truth.

Brihad Upanishad: ~ “If you think there is another entity, whether man or God there is no truth."

Lord Krishna says Ch. V:~ “Those who know the Self in truth.". The last two words (tattvataha) are usually ignored by pundits, but they make all the difference between the ordinary concept of God and the truth about God.

Sage Sankara said: ~ Talk as much philosophy as you like, worship as many Gods as you please, observe ceremonies, and sing devotional hymns, but the liberation will never come, even after a hundred aeons, without realizing the Oneness.

Thus, by worshiping individualized God and following religion, studying scripters is meant for those who are incapable of realizing the truth of their true existence. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Find out:~ What is it that appears as duality and what is it that disappear nonduality.+

Sage Sankara says: ~ “What is accepted without a proper inquiry will not lead to the final Goal”. (Commentary on Vedanta Sutra)

Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification.

‘WHO AM ‘I’? and ‘I AM THAT teachings are only for lower stages. They are helpful at the beginning of the pursuit of truth. As the seeker advances in his quest for truth, he finds them inadequate and useless.

The inner journey will not end with ‘WHO AM ‘I’? and ‘I AM THAT the journey is incomplete. It is WHO AM ‘I’? and ‘I AM THAT teaching are final because they are only based on the form and they omit the time and space.

The journey will be completed only when we discover the truth of the whole that is the form, time, and space together.

Thus, sticking to WHO AM ‘I’? and ‘I AM THAT teaching as final and stopping the journey is a foolish venture. If you are a serious seeker of truth and you want to realize the truth of your true existence then you must be ready to drop what is not needed in pursuit of truth. Nothing has to be accepted without deeper verification.

If the ‘I’ is true, let it then be perceived in the state of deep sleep also. As it is not at all perceived, it must be unreal and false like dreams.

All the teachings are useless so long as the highest Truth is unknown, and it is equally useless when the highest Truth has already been known.

The seeker has to dive deeper and deeper to unfold the mystery of his true existence.


The basic purpose of seeking truth is to discover the truth of our true existence. The truth of our true existence will be revealed only by discovering the source of physical existence. Physical existence means the universe.

First, analyze the universe. How this universe came into existence. And what this universe is supposed to be in truth.

As you go deeper and deeper analyzing you will discover that the universe is dependent on the ‘I’. Without the ‘I’ the universe ceases to exist.

The ‘I’ is the main ingredient to investigate.

As you go deeper you will find: ~

The ‘I’ appears along with the universe.

The ‘I’ disappears along with the universe.

As you go still deeper you will find.

The ‘I’ is there only when the mind is there.

The ‘I’ appears along with the mind.

The ‘I’ disappears along with the mind.

As you go deeper you will find: ~

The mind appears along with the universe.

The mind disappears along with the universe.

As you go deeper you will find: ~

The universe appears along with the waking experience

The universe disappears along with the waking experience.

As you go deeper you will find: ~

The dream universe appears along with the dream.

The dream universe disappears along with the dream.

The dream is a parallel waking experience

The waking experience is a parallel dream.

As you go deeper you will find: ~

‘I’ disappears in deep sleep.

Along with the ‘I', the mind disappears.

Along with ‘I', the universe disappears.

Along with ‘I', the waking disappears.

Along with the ‘I’ dream disappears.


‘I’ is one behind the mind.

The ‘I’ is the one behind the universe.

The ‘I’ is the one behind the waking.

The ‘I’ is the one behind the dream.


Where this ‘I’ disappeared in deep sleep.

As you go deeper you will find: ~

The duality is present only when ‘I’ is present.

The duality is present only when the mind is present.

The duality is present only when the universe is present.

The duality is present only when the waking is present.

The duality is present only when the dream is present.


The duality is absent in deep sleep.

The ‘I’ is absent in deep sleep.

The mind is absent in deep sleep.

The universe is absent in deep sleep.

The waking is absent in deep sleep.

The dream is absent in deep sleep.


In deep sleep, there is only nonduality.

So, you have to find out: What is it that appears as duality and what is it that disappears nonduality?

~ It is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness is the cause of the ‘I’, and it, itself is uncaused. : ~Santthosh Kumaar

Devotion towards an inherited God based on blind belief cannot transport the seeker towards the nondual destination.+

The devotional path is the religious path. Devotion towards an inherited belief cannot transport the seeker towards the nondual destination.

The devotion is between the person and his belief. The devotion is based on the belief system. The person, who has inherited some belief system, believes in the individualized God and indulges in the devotional path.

Devotional Gods are mythical Gods. Mythical Gods are not Vedic Gods. Vedic God is Athma, the Spirit. Devotional toward myth produces only myth. Thus, we must have the devotion to exploring God in truth.

The devotion makes one believe that he is a person and God has created this world. Therefore, he believes that he is born in this world and the world existed prior to him, this conviction makes him feel he is the doer.

Since he accepts himself as the doer; he will remain ignorant of the true self, which is the Soul. Ignorance makes him feel the illusion as a reality.

Bhagavad Gita: 7: 19:~ "Such a man who has attained true knowledge, the knowledge of Self, the knowledge of Atman, worships ‘Self’ as~ Atman (God in truth) alone exists~ everything is Atman, there exists nothing except Atman. Such a man is extremely rare"

Bhagavad Gita:~ “All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship many Gods. (7- Verse -20)

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God in truth) is present in the form of the Athma, and it is indeed the Athma itself’.

Thus, it refers to a formless and attributeless God, which is the Atman (Soul), the ‘Self’ within the false experience.

Thus, it indicates clearly all the Gods with form and attributes are mere imaginations based on the false ‘Self’. Thus Atman or Soul, the ‘Self’ is God in truth.

The Vedas do not talk about idol worship. In fact, till about 2000 years ago followers of Vedism never worshiped idols. Idol worship was started by the followers of Buddhism and Jains.

There is logic to idol worship. Vedas speak of one God that is the supreme ‘Self’ i.e. Atman or Soul but Hinduism indulges in worshiping 60 million Gods.

It indicates clearly all the Gods with form and attributes are mere imaginations based on the false self.

The idea of religion and religious identity is based on the false self (waking). Belief in a personal God will lead one to hallucination.

Without realizing the Soul, the Self, all types of meditation keep one in the grip of duality.

That is why Swami Vivekananda: ~ “The masses in India cry to sixty million Gods and still die like dogs. Where are these Gods?

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ "He who worships the deities as entities entirely separate from him does not know the truth. For the Gods, he is like a pasu (beast)". (1. 4. 10)

Yajur Veda – chapter- 32: ~God is Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. He cannot be seen directly by anyone. He pervades all beings and all directions.

Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from the Vedas.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman (Soul or Spirit) is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the ‘Self’. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

Yajur Veda indicates that: ~

They sink deeper in darkness those who worship sambhuti. (Sambhuti means created things, for example, table, chair, idol, etc (Yajurveda 40:9)

Those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, and bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time." (Yajur Veda 40:9.)

Then why worship and glorify the non-~Vedic Gods in place of Vedic God when Veda bars such activities and also warns people who indulge in such activities are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

No use in worshipping Gods which are not God in truth.+

Religion propagates God based on blind faith or blind belief. Whatever is propagated as God by religion is not God in truth according to its own religious scriptures.

Vedas, Upanishad, and Bhagavad Gita confirm God is the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of the Spirit or consciousness.

It is for every seeker who is seeking truth must first know what God is supposed to be in actuality according to Vedas and Upanishads and reject all non-Vedic Gods to realize that Atman is the real God.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter:~ “All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship many Gods. (7- Verse -20)

In Yajur Veda – chapter- 32: ~ God is Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. He cannot be seen directly by anyone. He pervades all beings and all directions.

Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from the Vedas.

Rig Veda:~Prajnanam Brahma’: - Consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman or God in truth.

Even Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

Thus, it refers to a formless and attributeless God, which is the Atman (Soul), the ‘Self’ within the false experience.

Thus, it indicates clearly all the Gods with form and attributes are mere imaginations based on the false ‘Self’. Thus Atman or Soul, the ‘Self’ is God.

The Vedas do not talk about idol worship. In fact, till about 2000 years ago followers of Vedism never worshiped idols. The idol worship was started by the followers of Buddhism and Jains.

There is logic to idol worship. Vedas speak of one God that is the supreme ‘Self’ i.e. Atman or Soul but Hinduism indulges in worshiping 60 million Gods.

It indicates clearly all the Gods with form and attributes are mere imaginations based on the false ‘Self’.

Even the Bhagavad Gita says: ~ ‘Brahmano hi pratisthaham’ ~ Brahman (God in truth) is considered the all-pervading consciousness, which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (14.27).

When Bhagavad Gita says, God is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material then nothing has to be accepted as God other than consciousness.

Even Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God in truth) is present in the form of the Athma, and it is indeed Athma itself.

Swami Vivekananda: ~ “The masses in India cry to sixty million Gods, and still die like dogs. Where are these Gods? (In San Francisco, on May 28, 1900, of Swami Vivekananda/volume 1)

Religion breeds superstition because religion is based on blind belief. Whatever is based on blind belief is superstition.

God in truth is not a belief. One must know God in truth. Without knowing what God is supposed to be in actuality worshiping God based on blind belief is superstition.

Worshiping superstitious Gods barred by Vedas. Know what God is supposed to be according to the Vedas Upanishads Bhagavad Gita and Bible.

The Bible says: ~ God is a Spirit, and they that worship God must worship God m in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)

That is why Sage Sankara says:~ VC- v6~ Let erudite scholars quote all the scripture, let Gods be invoked through sacrifices, let elaborate rituals be performed, let personal Gods be propitiated---yet, without the realization of one‘s identity With the Self, there shall be no liberation for the individual, not even in the lifetimes of a hundred Brahmas put together

Lord Krishna says Ch ~V: ~ “Those who know the ‘Self’ in truth.". The last two words (tattvataha) are usually ignored by pundits, but they make all the difference between the ordinary concept of God and the truth about God.

The dualistic worship of "God” is only for the ignorant populace. God in truth is only Atman, the Self. In reality, there is no duality, no differentiation. Only Atman exists.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says:~ "He who worships the deities as entities entirely separate from the Self does not know the truth. For the Gods, he is like a pasu (beast)". (1. 4. 10)

Yajur Veda:~ They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -- the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, But those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time.":~ (Yajur Veda 40:9.)

Swami Vivekananda: ~ “If superstition enters, the brain is gone. Superstition is our great enemy, but bigotry is worse.

Worshiping any other thing as God in place of the Athma, the all-pervading God, are extremely foolish to remain permanently in ignorance of the real God. What is the use of worshiping Gods which are not God in truth? Realizing God in truth is real worship. : ~ Santthosh Kumaa

Know what God is supposed to be in truth and realize God in truth.+

Know God in truth and realize God in truth. Religion is based on blind belief. But in pursuit of truth, doubt is the main ingredient.

No religious God can exist apart from the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

All the religious Gods with form and attributes cease to exist without the dualistic illusion.

People are not aware of the fact that there is no individual God can exist, apart from the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Lord Krishna says Ch. V:~ “Those who know the Self in truth.". The last two words (tattvataha) are usually ignored by pundits, but they make all the difference between the ordinary concept of God and the truth about God.

When Upanishads and Vedas declare that, “God is present in the form of the Athma, and God is indeed Athma itself” then why accept another God in place of the Atman or worship other than the Atman.

Sage Sankara says: ~ Atman is Brahman (God). The Atman alone is real is not religious truth. Sage Sri, Sankara declared this Advaitic truth, which is the ultimate truth to the whole world, many centuries back is the rational truth, scientific truth, and ultimate truth.

Most people have the desire to know the truth but the capacity to understand and assimilate it is limited. The result is that people resolve the conflict by jumping to the first simplest and easiest conclusion as the correct one, and smugly but unjustifiably thinking “I know”: Thus, they commit the fallacy of primitivity.

The seeker needs proof to accept anything as truth. Every guru intellectual, pundit, or yogi statements have to be verified before accepting them as the ultimate truth or Brahman. Their claims have to be verified before accepting them as truth.

Even the Bhagavad Gita says: ~ “Brahmano hi pratisthaham” ~ Brahman (God in truth) is considered the all-pervading consciousness, which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (14.27).

When Bhagavad Gita says, God is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material then nothing has to be accepted as God other than consciousness.

Even Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God in truth) is present in the form of the Athma, and it is indeed Athma itself.

Religious Gods are based on blind belief. God in truth is not based on blind belief. Religious God cannot be considered as the cause of the universe because the Soul, the ‘Self’ is the cause of the universe.

Without the Soul, the world in which you exist ceases to exist, which means the religious God is dependent on the Soul for his existence. God in truth is only the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Even Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~"He who worships the deities as entities entirely separate from the Self does not know the truth. For the Gods, he is like a pasu (beast)". (1. 4. 10)

No mantras help to get rid of ignorance. All the mantras and rituals are meant for the ignorant populace, which strongly believes, in the world in which he exists as a reality. For one who wants to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana, the mantas will not help to realize the truth, which is beyond the form, time, and space.

That is why Sage Sankara:~ VC~.61. For one who has been bitten by the serpent of Ignorance, the only remedy is the knowledge of Brahman. Of what avail are the Vedas and (other) Scriptures, Mantras (sacred formulae), and medicines to such a one?

VC- v6~ Let erudite scholars quote all the scripture, let Gods be invoked through sacrifices, let elaborate rituals be performed, let personal Gods be propitiated---yet, without the realization of one‘s identity With the Self, there shall be no liberation for the individual, not even in the lifetimes of a hundred Brahmas put together

Sage Sankara goes on to say: ~A sickness of not cured by saying the word “medicine.” You must take the medicine. Liberation does not come by merely saying the word “Brahman (God in truth).” Brahman must be realized. Until you allow this apparent universe to dissolve from your consciousness until you have realized Brahman, how can you find liberation just by saying the word Brahman? The result is merely noise. Until a man has destroyed his enemies and taken possession of the splendor and wealth of the kingdom, he cannot become a king by simply saying “I am a king.”

A buried treasure is not uncovered by merely uttering the words: “Come forth.” You must follow the right directions, dig, remove the stones and earth from above it, and then make it your own. In the same way, the pure truth of the Atman, which is buried under Maya and the effects of Maya, can be reached by meditation, contemplation, and other spiritual disciplines but never by subtle arguments. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Realization of Brahman or God in truth is possible in this very life not in the next life or the next world.+

The realization of Brahman or God is possible in this very life not in the next life or next world.

The serious and sincere seeker who has patience, humility, and an intense urge to know the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space, will be able to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

One, who has realized the ultimate truth, or Brahman, is a Gnani. A Gnani sees himself along with the world in which he exists as consciousness.

All Gurus and paramparas belong to the orthodoxy. Orthodoxy has nothing to do with Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom.

Identifying the Atman as Self is the most important in the Atmic path. Consciousness is the substratum on which the universe, which is the dualistic illusion experienced. Consciousness is hidden by the dualistic illusion. Consciousness dwells in everything and everywhere in the universe, which is the dualistic illusion or Maya.

The Atman is the Self. Atman is present in the form of consciousness. The universe is a dualistic illusion or Maya is created out of consciousness. Consciousness alone is real and eternal.

The Soul is the ultimate truth or Brahman. The Soul is in the form of consciousness. The Soul is the Self -evident. It is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny the Soul because it is the very essence of the one who denies it.

The Soul is the basis of all kinds of knowledge, presuppositions, and proofs. The Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness (Spirit), is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Those who argue that God is only in their religion are vain logicians, depending on the blind belief propagated by their religion.+

Sage Sankara pointed out that those rituals could in no way bring about wisdom, much less Moksha.

Rituals and sacrifices belong to a premature stage of development. Struggle for life presses a person to indulge in religious rituals prayers and worship. Faith in religion weakens as the man pays more attention to the practical life within the practical world.

Those who argue that God is only in their religion are vain logicians, depending on the blind belief propagated by their religion.

If God is everywhere, then he is in dead bodies. Why then do you burn or bury your God? You can't get rid of God.

To remove doubts the seeker ought not to run away from them, as the yogis and mystics do: he should not stop seeking until he finds and realizes what God is supposed to be in actuality.

People say I know God exists always implies they must also exist always. They just imagine that way. They are unaware of what is God in actuality.

Make sure what God is according to the Vedas. And what happens if you worship non-Vedic Gods.

The Vedas confirm God is Atman (Spirit), the Self.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman (Soul or Spirit) is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

Rig-Veda 1-164-46 and Y.V 32~1 clearly mention that God is “One”.

Rig Veda says God is ‘ONE’ and God is Atman, then why believe and worship in place of the real God.

Yajurveda – chapter- 32:~ It has been said that God is the Supreme Spirit.

Vedas and Upanishads confirm the Soul, the ‘Self’, is present in the form of the Spirit or the consciousness.

And also in Yajurveda says: ~

Translation 1

They enter darkness, those who worship natural things (for example air, water, sun, moon, animals, fire, stone, etc.).

They sink deeper into darkness those who worship sambhuti. (Sambhuti means created things, for example, table, chair, idol, etc.) ~[Yajurveda 40:9]

Translation 2

Deep into the shade of blinding gloom fall asambhuti's worshippers. They sink to darkness deeper yet who on sambhuti are intent. ~ [Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T. H. Giffith pg. 538]

Translation 3

"They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -- the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, But those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time." [Yajur Veda 40:9.]

So, Yajur Veda indicates that Those who worship visible things, such as the earth, trees, and bodies (humans and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater ignorance.

When the religion of the Veda knows no idols, then why so many Gods and Goddesses with different forms and names are being propagated as Vedic Gods. Why these conceptual Gods are introduced when the Vedic concept of God is free from form and attributes.

It indicates clearly all the Puranic Gods with form and name, and their worship and rituals were introduced by replacing in place of Vedic rituals and modifying books of the code of conduct.

Thus the pure Vedic rituals have been replaced by the founders of the present day Hinduism, the reason best known to them. When the Vedic goal is Self-realization. All these Puranic-based understandings and knowledge are misguided directions to the seekers of truth.

Brihad Upanishad: ~ “If you think there is another entity, whether man or God there is no truth."

God is not physical. God is present in the form of the Spirit. The Spirit is the cause of the world and the Spirit itself is uncaused.

From the standpoint of the Spirit, the form, time, space, and name are merely an illusion. The Spirit alone is real and all else is an illusion. In reality, the spirit (God) matter (the world in which we exist) is one.

As indicated in ISH Upanishads: ~ ‘By worshipping Gods and Goddesses you will go after death to the world of Gods and Goddesses. But will that help you? The time you spend there is wasted because if you were not there you could have spent that time moving forward towards Self-knowledge, which is your goal. In the world of Gods and Goddesses, you cannot do that, and thus you go deeper and deeper into the darkness.

That is why Swami Vivekananda:~

The masses in India cry to sixty million Gods and still die like dogs. Where are these Gods?

Knowing this, stand up and fight! Not one step back that is the idea. ... Fight it out, whatever comes. Let the stars move from the sphere! Let the whole world stand against us! Death means only a change of garment. What of it? Thus fight! You gain nothing by becoming cowards. ... Taking a step backward, you do not avoid any misfortune. You have cried to all the Gods in the world. Has misery ceased? The masses in India cry to sixty million Gods and still die like dogs. Where are these Gods? ... The Gods come to help you when you have succeeded. So what is the use? Die game. ... This bending the knee to superstitions, this selling yourself to your own mind does not befit you, my soul. You are infinite, deathless, and birthless. Because you are the infinite spirit, it does not befit you to be a slave. ... Arise! Awake! Stand up and fight! Die if you must. There is none to help you. You are the entire world. Who can help you? ~ Swami Vivekananda (Delivered In San Francisco, on May 28, 1900) -The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda/Volume 1/Lectures And Discourses/The Gita II

As indicated in ISH Upanishads:~ By worshipping Gods and Goddesses you will go after death to the world of Gods and Goddesses. But will that help you? The time you spend there is wasted because if you were not there you could have spent that time moving forward towards Self-knowledge, which is your goal. In the world of Gods and Goddesses, you cannot do that, and thus you go deeper and deeper into the darkness.

It clearly indicates that if the human goal is to acquire Self-Knowledge then why one has to indulge in rituals and glorify the conceptual Gods, Goddesses, and gurus to go into deeper darkness. Instead, spend that time moving forward towards Self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana, which is one’s prime goal. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

God in truth is one and universal. God in truth is hidden by the universe. The universe is the product of ignorance.+

Every religion concocts a God to suit its own purposes. Such religiously concocted Gods are not God in truth. God in truth is the Atman, wh...