Thursday 30 May 2024

Mistaking the spiritual heart within the physical body is a great error.+

Sage Ramana Maharshi: ~ He placed his right hand on his right breast and continued, "Here lies the Heart, the dynamic, spiritual Heart. It is called Hridaya and is located on the right side of the chest and is clearly visible to the inner eye of an adept on the spiritual path. Through meditation, you can learn to find the Self in the cave of this Heart." ~ Mercedes de Acosta, Here Lies the Heart

Santthosh Kumaar: ~ “The spiritual heart is the Soul, the Self, not the physical heart. The world in which you exist is within the Soul, the spiritual heart. Mistaking the spiritual heart within the body is a great error.

Even some Advaitic Guru say that the Self is within the spiritual heart. And the spiritual heart is on the left side. Such a declaration is merely an imagination, based on the false Self. When the ‘Self’ is bodiless then the question of the heart being left side or right side does not arise.

The seeker must realize the Soul, the Self, itself is the spiritual heart. The Soul the spiritual heart is ever formless. The Soul itself is the spiritual heart that is present in the form of the Spirit or consciousness.

Without form, time, and space, the Soul, the innermost Self, becomes naked. The nature of the Soul, the Self, is formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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