Friday 31 May 2024

The discussion is unimportant in the path of wisdom because, as one goes on digging into my posts, he will find answers.+

All my posts and blogs are concerned with Self-knowledge or Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana. Path wisdom is meant only for serious seekers who are in the quest for the truth. The truth is hidden by the illusory form, time, and space.

Thus, the discussion is unimportant in the path of wisdom because as one goes on digging into my posts he will find answers and all his cobweb of doubts will be cleared.

Those who have taken the path of wisdom are chosen ones. The chosen one will get the grace of the Soul the inner guru. The path of wisdom is the Soulcentric path, whereas all other paths are egocentric. All egocentric paths lead to hallucination.

The Soul, the Self reveals ‘what is real’ and ‘what is unreal” when the seeker is receptive and ready.

Sages of truth restrained themselves parting the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana to the mass and only a selected few. It was hidden from the people who were not qualified and receptive to it. Self- it was given knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana was not written down but was imparted orally to the chosen few.

Thus, religion was given to the masses, and knowledge of the Spirit was given only to a selected few. Thus, we find traces of the knowledge of the Spirit in the religious books in the form of parables scattered here and there, which is very difficult to grasp

If you have an intense urge to realize the ultimate truth that intense urge itself leads you to realize the truth, which is beyond the form, time, and space. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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Brahman and Atman are things you can never see. So do not inquire into them. Inquire into the world around you.+

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