Wednesday, 19 June 2024

The karmic account is never-ending because one has to be born again and again to reap his good or bad karma.+

Those Gurus who propagate Karma as the means to Self-realization belong to religion and yoga, not spirituality.

When the ‘Self’ is not the form but the ‘Self’ is formless then whose karma. The one who is born lives and dies is not the ‘Self’ then the question of karma does not arise.

You are the false ‘Self’ (ego) within the false experience (waking). Thus, whatever action and inaction, past, present, and future belong to the waking experience, which is the dualistic illusion.

What happens to the dream entity that did good karma in the dream world and it died and reincarnated in the next life and suffered but when waking takes place the dream becomes unreal.

The waking becomes unreal when the waking entity (you) realizes the fact that it, itself (you) is not the ‘Self’ but the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which witnesses the coming and going of the three states in succession.

Thus neither the karma of the waking entity nor the karma of the dream entity has meaning because the ‘Self’ is neither the waking entity nor the ‘Self’ is a dream entity but the ‘Self’ is the Soul or consciousness.

You are not the ‘Self’ because you are the birth entity; you are bound by form, time, and space whereas the ‘Self’ is birthless then how the karma theory have any meaning when karma theory is based on the false ‘Self’ (birth entity) and false experience (world).

The karma theory is a religious fable meant for people who are fully immersed in the practical life and practical world believing the experience of the birth, life, death, and the world as reality.

If ‘Self’ is birthless then what values the karma theory will have because it is based on birth, life, death, and rebirth.

Thus, as per my conviction, the Karma theory is merely a religious and yogic fable.

Yes, Ramana, J. Krishnamurti, and Nisargadatta, all died of cancer-type illness. It does not make any difference if they die of cancer or not of cancer or any illness. Even Lord Krishna died of a painful death. Death is a certain cause of death that is irrelevant to a Gnani.

When the ‘Self’ is birthless then it is deathless. A Gnani is unconcerned to death because he is fully aware of that the illusion is only a passing show.

The last words of Sage Ramana on the deathbed - he says I am not going anywhere. He did not mean that his physical form, which was bound by birth, life, and death but the birthless ‘Self’, which is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. Thus, the karma theory has nothing to do with the unborn Soul, the ‘Self’.

Thus, people’s painful death cannot be taken as evidence because the Soul, the ‘Self’ is ever deathless because it was birthless because it is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The karmic account is never-ending because one has to be born again and again to reap his good or bad karma carried forward from one life to the next.

To end his karmic account he has to be born as a Muslim terrorist in his next birth and die and reach paradise because Islam does not believe in karma theory. :~Santthosh Kumaar

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