Sunday 28 July 2024

God who appears to the yogi in meditation or penance is merely a hallucination.+

The mystic must become a constant slave to some line of "thought" or rather imagination, and then he will really see visions confirming his imagination.

The mystic who sees God in vision has seen God during the waking state. The waking experience itself is an illusion. Thus, whatever is seen within the illusion is bound to be an illusion. Thus, the mystic must realize his existence is a reality within the illusion.

The religious Gods are not God in truth. The Spirit is the real God There are neither Gods nor Goddesses but only consciousness. Consciousness is God in truth.

For a Christian closes his eyes, and Christ comes to him. For Hindu, closes his eyes and Krishna comes to him. Buddhist closes his eyes and Bhagavan Buddha comes to him. A Jain closes his eyes and Mahavira comes to him.

Christ doesn’t come to a Jaina, Mahavira doesn’t come to a Christian: only the image you project will come. your inherited religious God and the image has become solid in your subconscious. It became so real from constant repetition, from continuous remembering, that it seemed goddess speaking to you.

Vedas say God cannot be seen directly by anyone.

God who appears to the yogi in meditation or penance is merely a hallucination because whatever is known, seen, believed, and experienced as a person within the waking experience is a falsehood. After all, the waking experience itself is a falsehood.

Sage Goudapada’s rational exposition of Advaita:~ Whatever is seen, whether external or internal, whether by the ordinary persons or yogis, is unreal.
From the ultimate standpoint, there is no value for such a claim because it is merely a hallucination.
Yajurveda – chapter- 32:~ God is Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. God cannot be seen directly by anyone. God pervades all beings and all directions. Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from the Vedas.

Whatever belief of God one is familiar with through his inherited conditioning or samskara that he will see in his visions. When a man is a false Self within the false experience, then whatever he believes is bound to be a falsehood.

God is the Soul, the Self. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. God is not within you, but you and your experience of the world are within Soul, the real God.

Self-realization is God-realization because the Soul, the Self itself is God. When you and your experience of the world disappear, then God alone prevails as a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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