Friday 19 July 2024

Only a person who has realized what God is supposed to be in actuality reaches the State of Anal Hak or the State of God.+


Sufism from the non-dualistic or Advaitic perspective:~

Al Hillaj Mansoor was a great Sufi. He was killed by religious fanatics because he said, Anal Hak- I AM GOD. Sai Baba of Shirdi also used to say, Anal Hak.

When Al Hillaj Mansoor asserted, ‘I AM GOD,’ religious fanatics killed him. Sufism is always killed by fanatic religious believers – because religious fanatics cannot tolerate a man asserting that he is God! They feel offended because how can a man be a God?

How can you believe the belief of God as a separate entity? That implies two ~ the believer and the belief, whereas God in truth is nondual or Advaita. One can worship his idea of God only or realize his unity with God when he can’t worship God as a part.

God is present in the form of the Spirit, and God is indeed Spirit itself” Then why accept another God in place of the Spirit or believe other than the Spirit.

God is the Supreme Being the One eternal homogeneous essence, indivisible consciousness, and intelligence, which is hidden by the illusory form, time, and space. To which the Sages of Truth are described in a variety of ways through diverse words.

When Al Hillaj Mansoor says, Anal Hak - ‘I AM GOD. Anal Hak or I AM GOD is the state of God in Sufism. Only a person who has realized what God is supposed to be in actuality reaches the State of Anal Hak or the State of God.

Third Mundaka Upanishad - Chapter 2 (9) - He who realized the Supreme Brahman verily becomes Brahman (God in truth).

God cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness but if one strives with sincerity and seriousness then the dualistic illusion (universe) transcends into the nondualistic reality, which is God.

A Sufi is the one who realized God in truth. God shines brightly and in which the universe rests. The Sufi is free from ignorance. The Sufi transcends the illusory form, time, and space and is established in the formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. The nature of God is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

It is very difficult to recognize who is a real Sufi because he bears no external mark. Neither nudity nor the religious symbol has anything to do with him. Anyone who follows Sufism does not become a Sufi unless he has realized God in truth.

A Sufi, on attaining realization, will not give up his vocation in life but will continue it as before. If he was a billniore then he continues so, if a peasant, he will remain one. He still does his duty, but he is fully aware of the fact that his practical life within the practical world is merely an illusion.

So the fanatics believers in dogmas – they said that God created man, so man can only be a creature, not a creator; and this is profanity, the very apex of profanity to assert that ‘I AM GOD’ – they killed him. And what was Al Hillaj Mansoor saying when they killed him? He said loudly to the sky, ‘You cannot deceive me! Even in these murderers, I see you-you cannot deceive me. You are here in these murderers! And in whatsoever form you come, my God, I will know you, because I have known you.’

Religion is regarded as sacred and real by the common people, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

Religious fanatics never understood the Spiritualistic interpretation of Anal Hak- they thought he is referring to himself as God but it is not so he was referring to the infinite existence hidden by the finite ‘I’ (Universe).

The Soul is the Self. The Self is God. It is not “I AM GOD, but it’s correct to say ‘the SELF IS GOD.

Before saying ‘I AM GOD’ one must realize what ‘God’ is supposed to be in actuality. Only the ignorant say ‘I AM GOD’ without knowing what it means.

People say I AM GOD but when God is, how can "I" remain? Only God prevails not I. The ‘I’ exists only in the domain of the illusory form, time, and space whereas the Soul, the Self is formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. The Soul, the ‘Self is God in truth.

There is no God in the domain of the ‘I’ because the ‘I’ is merely an illusory expression of God in truth.

It is erroneous to use the word ‘I’ for the Self, because ‘I’ represents the illusory form, time, and space whereas the Soul, the Self is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

Some people say: "I AM GOD." This presupposes that they have the same miraculous and creative powers of God. They do not, however, display possession of such power. Such is the fallacy of their logic.

People who say “I AM GOD’ are merely repeating like parrot words that they have read in their holy books or heard from a wandering monk or fakir. It does not prove that they have realized the ultimate truth or God in truth.

With bookish or hearsay knowledge it is unable to prove that everything is God, which is present in the form of the Spirit. One has to do lots of homework to realize God, the Self.

Sufism is nothing but mystic-oriented spirituality. Sufism has nothing to do with religion. Sufism is concerned with God in truth. God in truth is Spirit. There is no God in untruth because God is the truth hidden by the unreal universe.

Mysticism has its pragmatic value but mystics fail to stop and ask "What is the ultimate meaning of this bliss which they feel in the mystic experience?" Therefore, an inquiry is needed to realize ‘What is the truth?’ ‘What is untruth?’

The mystic object to introducing inquiry into the quest adopts an attitude as though it were like introducing something that is not sacred.

Mysticism blocks the mystic from realizing the truth hidden by the untruth because he has accepted the untruth as the ultimate truth. He is unaware of the ultimate truth, which is Brahman or God.

The ultimate truth or God in truth can be realized only when he realizes the ‘Self’ hidden by the ‘I’. The ‘Self the Spirit’ is God, in truth not the ‘I’. Only those who realize the Spirit as the ‘Self’ is a real Sufi.

Meher Baba: ~ “When the reality appears this ignorance which one thinks as reality becomes unreal. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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