Monday 29 July 2024

Science has begun to admit that the world of the spirit and the world of matter are not two antipodes.+

All scientific inventions are based on form, time, and space whereas as truth is hidden by form, time, and space.

All scientific inventions are based on the dualistic perspective whereas the ultimate truth of existence is based on the nondualistic perspective. Scientific inventions are limited to the domain of form, time, and space whereas the truth is formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

When the scientists and the world in which they exist and their inventions are created out of a single stuff. And that single stuff is the consciousness. Knowledge of the single stuff is Advaita.

Advaita is the rational truth, scientific truth, the ultimate truth, and universal truth cannot be contradicted.

Science has begun to admit that the world of the spirit and the world of matter are not two antipodes... A leading British astronomer, Sir James Jeans, confessed that the scientific conception of the universe in the past was mistaken and that the borderline between the objective world, as it is manifested in nature, and the subjective one, as it expresses itself through the mind, hardly exists.

In (a 1934 address at Cornell University), he said: “The Nature we study does not consist so much of something we perceive as of our perceptions, it is not the object ... but the relation itself. There is, in fact, no clear-cut division between the subject and object.” Twenty years earlier, such a statement would have been sheer heresy. Likewise, a search for the Ultimate Reality that we usually call "God," a search along both intellectual and unorthodox lines, need not be regarded as either heresy or sacrilege.

The scientists and their inventions are based on the world in which we exist as a reality, whereas, the truth lies beyond physical existence. Until Scientists discover how this universe came into existence the truth will not be unfolded. Therefore, there is a need to know the truth hidden by the universe.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe.

Sage Sankara ~ VC~ "All this universe which through ignorance appears as of diverse forms, is nothing else but Brahman which is absolutely free from all the limitations of human thought

Ashtavakra Gita: ~ “The universe raises from the Soul, the innermost ‘Self’ like bubbles from the sea. Thus, know the Self to be One and in this way enter into the state of dissolution."

Sage Sankara says the transparent Truth of the Self, which is hidden by the illusion, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, (Gnani).

First, know ‘what is the truth’ and ‘what is untruth’ for sure. Without realizing what untruth truth is, it is difficult to know what truth is.

That is why Sage Sankara says: ~ VC-63- Without causing the objective universe to vanish and without knowing the truth of the ‘Self’, how is one to achieve Liberation by the mere utterance of the word Brahman? — It would result merely in an effort of speech.

VC~65: -As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it, and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the Self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments.

VC ~66:Therefore the wise should, as in the case of disease and the like, personally strive by all the means in their power to be free from the bondage of repeated births and deaths.

Until and unless scientists become aware that the Self is not physical their inventions to unfold the mystery of the universe will not yield any fruit. The experiment on the physical body and trying to find the truth is like trying to drain the ocean drop by drop.

Until scientists realize the fact that, the gross world is merged into the mental experience in the sense that when it is analyzed, it is found to exist inseparably in and as the consciousness alone.

Scientists take birth, life, and death as a reality, their scientific inventions are based on physical awareness, and they will not be able to go deeper into this subject because they cannot cross the threshold of physicality.

Modern equipment can investigate objects within the physical existence but it is impossible to investigate the physical existence as a whole i.e. man and the world together. The whole cannot be investigated with laboratory conditions. Only through deeper thinking through inquiry, analysis, and reasoning the whole be investigated.

One has to reach beyond the physical existence, mentally, and discover, grasps that physical existence is merely an illusion created out of single stuff; otherwise, he will remain the conviction believing that duality is a reality.

Consciousness is the cause of the universe and it, itself is uncaused. The universe is nothing but consciousness. Modern science has yet to discover that consciousness is the cause of the universe, which was discovered and declared by Sage Sankara 1200 years back. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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Brahman and Atman are things you can never see. So do not inquire into them. Inquire into the world around you.+

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