Wednesday 31 July 2024

The universe emanating from the Soul means the universe being the effect from the Soul is not different from it.+


Ice and clouds are not different from water, similarly, the mind emanating from the Soul is not different from it. The mind (universe) emanating from the Soul (consciousness) means the mind being the effect from the Soul (consciousness) is not different from it. A deeper analysis shows it. A deeper analysis needs deeper thinking.

The ice and clouds have form; but where is the form in the water. Where did the form come from? All that one can say is that the water is not different from the ice and clouds. The mind is the same as the Soul, as the water produces the ice and clouds, so the Soul (consciousness) produces the universe.

One has to know this through analysis. As cloth when analyzed, is found to be nothing but thread, so this mind, when duly considered, is nothing but the consciousness (Soul).

As one starts analyzing deeply through Soulcentric reasoning he becomes aware that the Self is not physical but it is consciousness. Judging the truth on the form base is erroneous because the Self is not physical.

Thus, the reasoning base has to be rectified. Therefore, one has to rectify the reasoning base from form to formless, and then only it is possible to overcome all the obstacles that are blocking the realization of the ultimate reality.

When you refuse to inquire and reason and want the truth on your own terms and conditions, based on your accepted truth, then it is impossible to cross the threshold of the ‘I’ (duality). You will remain satisfied with their preconceived speculated truth. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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