Tuesday 6 August 2024

It is for every person who is seeking truth must first know what God is supposed to be in actuality according to Vedas.+

It is for every person who is seeking truth must first know what God is supposed to be in actuality according to Vedas and Upanishads and reject all non-Vedic Gods.

Religions block one from realizing God in truth because religion is based on myth whereas Spirituality is based on the truth.

Even the Vedas indicate that the Self is consciousness:-

v Tat tvam asi: -Thou art That. “Self is that.”(Sam Veda)

v Prajnanam Brahma: - Consciousness is the ultimate reality (Rig Veda).

v Ayam Aatma Brahma: -The Self is the ultimate truth (Atharva Veda).

v Aham Brahma Asmi: -Self is the ultimate reality (Yajur Veda)

The Soul, the Self is unborn, and undifferentiated consciousness is Brahman or God in truth.

The Vedas confirm God is Atman (Spirit), the Self.

The Vedas bar polytheism thus, it proves that Hinduism believes in polytheism is not Vedic Religion or Santana Dharma.

The Hindus believed in polytheism, believing all of their Gods to be separate individuals, which were introduced much later by the founders of Hinduism which contains diverse beliefs caste, and creed.

The Vedas bar polytheism thus, it proves that Hinduism believes in polytheism is not ancient Vedic Religion or Santana Dharma.

The Vedas confirm God is Atman, which is present in the form of Spirit or consciousness.

Rig Veda: ~ Prajnanam Brahma: - Consciousness is the ultimate reality.

Rig Veda: 1.164.46: ~ Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti” -” The Reality (Truth or God) is One.

Rig Veda 1/164/46: ~ “They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, or the heavenly sunbird Garutmat. The seers call in many ways that which is One; they speak of Agni, Yama, Matarishvan.

Rig Veda 8/58/2: ~ Only One is the Fire, enkindled in numerous ways; only One is the Sun, pervading this whole universe; only One is the Dawn, illuminating all things. In very truth, the One has become the whole world.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

Rig Veda declares God is ‘ONE’ and God is Atman, then why believe and worship in place of the real God.

Yajurveda – chapter- 32: ~ God is Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. God cannot be seen directly by anyone. God pervades all beings and all directions.

Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from the Vedas.

Vedas itself says: May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman? Thus, to know the real God Self-realization is necessary. Self-realization is God-realization. Self-realization itself is real worship.


Religion makes it complicated to realize the God in truth hidden by the ignorance obscures from human vision.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ “All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship many gods. (7- Verse -20)

People of small intelligence follow religion and believe that the world was created by God. But how do they know that God did so?


God in truth is not based on your inherited blind faith or belief. The Religions are based on personal God whereas Sage Sankara’s Supreme Brahman (God) is impersonal, Nirguna (without Gunas or attributes), Nirakara (formless), Nirvisesha (without special characteristics), immutable, eternal, and Akarta (non-agent). God is above all needs and desires. God is always the Witnessing Subject. God can never become an object as God is beyond the reach of the senses. God is non-dual, one without a second. God has no other besides it. God is destitute of difference, either external or internal. God cannot be described because the description implies a distinction. God cannot be distinguished from any other than God. In God, there is not a distinction between substance and attribute. Sat-Chit-Ananda constituted the very essence or Svarupa of God, and not just God's attributes. The Nirguna Brahman of Sage Sankara is impersonal.

In Brahma Sutra Sage Sankara takes the position that there is another entity outside us, i.e. the wall really exists separately from the mind. This is, because, Sage Sankara explains in Manduka that those who study the Sutras are religious minds, and intellectual children, hence his popular viewpoint to assist them. These people are afraid to go deeper because it means being heroic enough to refuse to accept Shruti, and God's authority, in case they mean punishment by God.

Sage Sankara says: Keep the scriptures for children but throw them on the fire for wise seekers.

In Brahma Sutras Sage Sankara takes for granted, and assumes that the world was created: He there mixes dogmatic theology with philosophy.

That God created the world is an absolute lie; nevertheless, you will find Sage Sankara (in his commentary on Vedanta Sutras) clearly says this! He has to adapt his teachings to his audience, reserving the highest for the philosophical mindset.

The text of Brahma Sutras is based on religion, and dogmatism, but in the commentary, Sage Sankara cleverly introduced some philosophy. It is objected that a number of Upanishads are equally dogmatic because they also begin by assuming Brahman, but a few Upanishads do not but prove Brahman at the end of a train of proof.

The causality and creation, but are for religious people only. Religion is only for those who are unable to understand truth beyond form, time, and space. Religion is not final. It only gives satisfaction to the populace.

Self-knowledge is for the whole of humanity to free them from experiencing birth, life, death, and the world as reality.

People of small intelligence follow religion and believe that the world was created by God. But how do they know that God did so? When a pot is created, one can see both the pot and its maker, but not in the case of the world.

Hence, in Vivekachoodamani Sage Sankara says:~ V.63-" Without knowing and examining the external world, one can’t know the Truth, as the idea that the external world exists, won't go. It can go only by an inquiry into the nature of the external world.

The seeker has to begin his analysis with the world first, not with the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. In the world in which you exist, consciousness is the finality.

A Gnani sees the world in which he exists as consciousness." But to know this they must be examined and studied.

The yogi does not care to know about the world" and for a Gnani nothing remains to be known for him because he is fully aware of the fact that the universe in which he exists is nothing but an illusion created out of consciousness.

The Pundits do not know the true nature of the world in which we exist. Scriptures deal only with the Objects, not with the witness of the objects.

If one starts with the idea that Samsara (universe) exists, he can never see the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, because Samsara (world) is an illusion and only ignorant people read it as a reality.: ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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Some Gurus say It is very simple; realize right here and right now, nothing is required - such statements are playing with words.+

  Some Gurus say, “It is very simple; realize right here and right now, nothing is required.” Such statements are merely playing with words....