Saturday 17 August 2024

The seeker of truth needs to know why human worship is an obstacle in the path of wisdom.+

The seeker of truth needs to know why human worship is an obstacle in the path of wisdom. Worshipping human beings as God is a religious propagated myth. Religion is not Spirituality. Never mix religion with Spirituality.

Human worship is not a Vedic idea it is adopted from Buddhism and Jainism. Hinduism which indulges human worship is not a Vedic religion or Sanatana Dharma.

Vedas bar human worship because the human is part of the creation. The creation is the dualistic illusion or Maya.

Worshipping anything from the creation (dualistic illusion or Maya) in place of the Atman the God in truth is barred by Vedas.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

The Vedas talk about Brahman which refers to the ultimate truth or ultimate reality. The consciousness is the ultimate truth, therefore, the consciousness is Brahman and Brahman is God.

Vedas do not permit idol worship. All the idols are of the Puranic Gods Priests are referring to the Puranic Brahma as God they are ignorant of the God in Vedas even though they speak of Vedas.

Priests do not understand the meaning of the Brahman (God in truth), which is present in the form of consciousness.

The dualistic worship of "God” is only for the ignorant populace. The God in truth is only Atman, the Self. In reality, there is no duality, no differentiation. Only Atman the real exists.

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad declares: "He who worships the deities as entities entirely separate from the Self does not know the truth. For the Gods, is like a pasu (beast)". (1.4.10)

That is why Sage Sankara: ~ VC Let erudite scholars quote all the Scripture, let Gods be invoked through sacrifices, let elaborate rituals be performed, let personal Gods be propitiated---yet, without the realization of one‘s identity With the Self, there shall be no liberation for the individual, not even in the lifetimes of a hundred Brahmas put together (verses-6)

Vedas proclaim those who worship are enveloped steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery those who worship humans and the like in place of God are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly.

Yogis and Gurus are not Gods.

This idea of worshiping God in human form, Gurus as God is not a Vedic idea but adopted from Jainism and Buddhism.

Vedas bar human worship: ~

"They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -- the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, But those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time.":~ (Yajur Veda 40:9.)

Then why worship and glorify the Gurus and Yogis (human form) in place of God when Veda bars such activities and also warns people who indulge in such activities are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time.

No one has ever seen God by practicing religion or yoga or indulging in glorifying the religious God and Goddesses because God exists prior to the form, time, and space. The form, time, and space cease to exist as a reality when wisdom dawns. Thus, the Gods and Gurus have no place in the domain of the Advaitic reality. Advaita is the nature of the Soul, which is the real God. Thus, the Self-realization is the only way to God-realization

Worshipping the religious Gods and Gurus one will not get Self-realization or God-realization.

The Soul, the inner Guru reveals ‘what is real’ and ‘what is unreal” when the seeker is receptive and ready.

People of small intelligence follow religion and believe that the world was created by God. But how do they know that He did so? When a pot is created, one can see both the pot and its maker, but not in the case of the world.

By believing and worshiping what is not truth (God), one is in the prison of the dualistic illusion. Truth realization or Self-realization is God-realization. Self-realization is real worship. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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Brahman and Atman are things you can never see. So do not inquire into them. Inquire into the world around you.+

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