Friday 20 September 2024

Repeated reading of words of wisdom works as an auto-suggestion and creates a yardstick in your subconscious.+

Repeated reading of words of wisdom works as the auto-suggestion and creates yardstick in your subconscious.

By repeated reading of my posts and blogs works as the Auto-suggestion and creates a Soulcentric mental yardstick in the subconscious to judge ‘what is the truth?’ and what is the untruth?

This is the inner process every serious seeker experiences. The inner dialogue will start and he will start getting answers from the inner core of his existence.

Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification. Everything has to be thoroughly verified through deeper discrimination before accepting it as truth. Advaita based on the dualistic perspective is egocentric therefore it is inadequate and useless. Advaita is purely Soul- centric.

There is no need to study neither Advaita nor Vedas nor Buddhism to realize ultimate truth or Brahman. It is no use going roundabout way; trace the Brahman.

Sage Sankara said: ~ Neither by the practice of yoga nor philosophy, nor by good works nor by learning, does liberation come, but only through the realization that Atman and Brahman are one in no other way. (1) Vivekachoodamani v 56, pg 25

Sage Sankara says: ~ there is no need to study the Scriptures, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman

~ then why indulge in studying the scriptures.

Sage Sankara says: ~ there is no need to study philosophy, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman

~then why indulge in studying philosophy.

Sage Sankara says: ~ there is no need to indulge rituals, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman.

~ then why indulge in rituals.

Sage Sankara says: ~ there is no need to indulge yoga, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman

~ then why indulge in yoga.

Sage Sankara says the transparent Truth of the ‘Self’, which is hidden by the illusion, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, (Gnani) then why you are sticking a Guru who is not a Gnani.

Sage Sankara says: ~ “The exercise in discrimination between real and unreal and renunciation of the false is real meditation, then why you are indulging in other types of meditation.: ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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Brahman and Atman are things you can never see. So do not inquire into them. Inquire into the world around you.+

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