Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Neither the guru nor the disciple verified the validity of their belief to know whether it is truth.+

Neither the guru nor the disciple verified the validity of their belief to know whether it is truth. People who give lectures and write large books on religion, yoga, and theoretical philosophy are good in their subject but what they know and propagate as Advaita is Advaitic wisdom is the question.

Some claim that for many years they enjoyed mystic exaltation, trances, meditations, and peace but this state passes away when the waking passes away.

From the standpoint of the Soul, the Self, the waking experience itself is an illusion

Thus, the individual experience within the waking or dream is merely an illusion because the waking or dream is merely an object to the Soul, the subject.

When one thinks as an individual he has experienced Non-duality then it is as good as the dream. Non-duality cannot be experienced as a person because it is prior to any experience.

Those who claim they have experienced the ‘Self’ belong to religion or yoga, not spirituality. What is the use of such an individual experience which is experienced within the dualistic illusion?

Whatever is experienced belongs to dualistic illusion because experience implies duality.

From the ultimate standpoint, the duality is not a reality. You must realize the ‘Self, not experience the ‘Self’. :~ Santthosh Kumaar

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The Buddhist scriptures were completely distorted by the time of Sage Sankara.+

Bhagavan Buddha found religion in such a worthless state, with so many vile animal sacrifices, that he attacked religion. Sage Sankara did...