Thursday, 7 November 2024

Happiness and suffering are a reality within the universe, which is a dualistic illusion or Maya.+

Happiness and suffering are a reality within the universe, which is a dualistic illusion or Maya. The Soul has no experience of happiness and suffering because it is nondual in its nature. The Soul, the Self is nondual because it is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

Those Gurus who speak of Advaita as for gaining happiness in practical life are propagating ignorance.

Happiness and suffering belong to individuality. What is relative? What is absolute happiness and misery to the formless Soul, which is ever devoid of thought and activity? Happiness and sorrow are the nature of the Mind.

If anything has a meaning it is only in dualistic illusion or Maya. From the standpoint of the Soul, all differences are illusory.

The Soul is the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness and is the ultimate reality.

What is an illusion?

What is ignorance?

What are birth, life, and death?

What is this world?

What is an attachment and what is detachment to the Soul, the Self, which is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence?

The mind (universe) and Soul (Self) are one in essence ultimately. All argument about consciousness never touches it.

The Soul is not the ego in this particular body, but the principle which holds the whole universe, which contains everyone and everything known and unknown.

All words have no place and thoughts cannot reach. Even the thought of the Soul or consciousness is just illusory and contradictory because the thought and words belong to the world of duality.

What are activity or inactivity, liberation, and bondage to the formless Soul, the Self, which is ever immutable and indivisible?

There is no division into nations, races, and colors of kinds of men in wisdom. It is not enough to but one must always see the formless Soul (consciousness) as the Self and the witness of all the three states and always realize, and practice it.

Some people get glimpses of truth and lose it; so it must be established. Such fixidity is the goal.

What are instruction and scriptural injunctions? What is a disciple and the Guru? What indeed is an object of life for the Soul, the Self, which is absolute and free from limitation?

Life is within the world. The world is within the waking or dream, the illusory limitation. When there is no second other than the Soul (consciousness), then what is there for the Soul, the Self to attain? But when one thinks the Self is physical, then there are various things he will want to get and so be troubled by their lack. Hence, don’t wrongly imagine the Self to be the body. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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God cannot be called “He,”, and you cannot call God “She".+

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