Sunday, 22 December 2024

Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara is crystal clear. You won't be able to add even a small bit of your own interpretation to it.+

Even in those ancient days, people did not care for Advaita; they wanted religion; hence Advaitic Gnana got lost.

The Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara is crystal clear. You won't be able to add even a small bit of your own interpretation to it.

The ultimate truth cannot be written. Only one can indicate the Advaitic truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.

There is no way to distort or twist the ultimate truth and also there is no chance to add anything.

Sage Sankara has given such an expression that no one has been able to add or take anything from the Advaitic truth, even though centuries have passed. It is not easy to give such a perfect expression. Such skill with words to indicate the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space, is very difficult to come by.

The Atmic path is a rare journey to realize the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space. If there is no form, then there is no time and space.

The common people have no interest in the Atmic oath. All the saints, all the Gurus all the religious heads, all the Godmen, none of them has any interest, because with Advaitic wisdom they cannot go on playing their dualistic games.

All the Gurus and Saints of the past were interested only in inspiring the populace. They wanted the whole country to get involved in religion and the mythology was helpful.

Advaita has nothing to do with the emotions and sentiments of the populace.

The Gurus are not interested, the politicians are not interested, and the yogis have nothing to do with the truth, which is hidden by the illusory form, time, and space because they cannot impose anything. There is no room for the duality in Advaitic reality.

From the ultimate standpoint, there is nothing that exists other than consciousness. The universe is merely an illusion created out of consciousness; therefore all the contents of the universe are also an illusion created out of consciousness.

The individual experiences of birth, life, death, and the world are part of the mirage. Thus the mirage which appears as the universe is created out of consciousness.

People who believe God as the creator are deluded because they are unaware that, the ‘Self’ is not the form but ‘Self’ is the Soul. The Soul is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

People refuse to accept anything other than their religious samskara (conditioning) and inborn samskara (I).

People refuse to inquire about the truth of their own God, which they believe in and worship.

People's conviction on their inherited conviction is very deep-rooted, therefore, they are not qualified for the pursuit of truth unless they are ready to investigate the truth of their true existence. There is no need to convince the religious-minded people and waste time.


Without realizing the ‘Self’ is not ‘I’ but the ‘Self’ the Soul, the truth hidden by the ‘I’ will not be revealed.

By inquiring WHO AM ‘I’? the ignorance will not vanish. Without getting rid of the ignorance the Advaitic wisdom will not dawn. Without the Advaitic wisdom, the universe will prevail as a reality.

Until you hold the Self as the ‘I’ Self- realization is a distant dream. If you are stuck with your inherited conditioning and accumulated knowledge from here and there and accept them as truth then you are not receptive to assimilating Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

As a seeker of truth, you have to verify every angle through deeper self-search and accept only the uncontradicted truth. The spiritual truth is the Advaitic truth that cannot be contradicted. Religious truth is not universal.

The idea of God as a creator holds good theoretically. The creator and creation theory is the dualistic theory. Every religion has its own idea of creator and creation and heaven hell, paradise, sin, karma.

All the religious theories are based on the dualistic perspective. From the non-dualistic perspective, there is nothing that exists other than the Soul the real God.

Glorifying God and Guru is not needed to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Swami Vivekananda: ~ The Higher your ideal is, the more miserable you are,' for such a thing as an ideal cannot be attained in the world — or in this life, even. He who wants perfection in the world is a madman — for it cannot be. How can you find the infinite in the finite?

Only an intense urge and receptiveness to know the truth of true existence is needed in pursuit of truth. You have to get rid of all the accumulated knowledge of religion and yoga and start a fresh realize the truth, which is hidden by ignorance(I).

You have to be free from all sorts of egocentric knowledge such as religious and yogic or any sort of philosophical knowledge.

Lord Krishna confesses that the oldest wisdom of India (Advaitic wisdom) has been lost: people misinterpret and falsify it today as they did then. It is not yoga but the philosophic truth. But nobody knows it. The teachers of philosophy and leaders of mysticism or religion do not want to inquire into truth and have no time for it. (Gita –Chap- IV-v.2)

When one goes into deeper self-search you will become aware that Advaitic wisdom expounded by Sage Sankara has been hidden.

That is why Sage Sankara says:~ “ VC~ 65. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it, and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the Self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments. Therefore, you should personally strive by all means to be free from the bondage of ignorance (I).

The Advaitic wisdom has nothing to do with orthodox preaching and the practice because Advaitic orthodoxy is dogmatism. The Advaitic orthodoxy has to be discarded if one wants to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Yoga Vasistha:~ "Teachers, interpretations of sacred texts, the force of religious merit--none of these lead to the realization of that Ultimate Truth which is revealed in the clear reflection of the heart, engendered from contact with the good."

It is necessary for the seeker to do his homework, and verify the validity of all the claims, rather than blindly believe, what orthodox pundits expound as knowledge, till; the un-contradicted truth is obtained.

Self- Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is only being true knowledge not the absence of duality. Self -Knowledge cannot destroy the world but it eliminates ignorance and exposes the unreal nature of the mind or the universe. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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